Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Keep Calm and Love Gaia

This was not my planned conversation  for this week until I realized that we have Earth Day on the 22nd. For me I try to make every day Earth Day and take my stewardship for her a personal commitment. I will go out and pick up garbage in the park every time Bella and I are there for a walk which is most days. I am already going to the garbage can anyway so why not take stuff with me. 

I also try to use environmental friendly products and have actually been known to take recyclables home from places that don't have certain types or those who don't recycle. (I do keep some gloves in my car lol).  I make a conscious effort to lesson my carbon foot print. 

I love this beautiful earth. There is nothing more healing that walking barefoot on the grass and then just lying there with your face up to the sun. It is one of my favourite activities to do and pretty soon we will be able to as the grass is greening and ground is drying (I did manage to spend 20 minutes walking barefoot on the grass a few days ago and it was heavenly). Spring is my favourite season as the earth reawakens from her slumber. I am so fortunate to have been in Vancouver a few weeks ago as the trees were blossoming, and to now get it again here in the north. I remember I loved that when I used to come up here every Easter when I was in college. Two springs, what a blessing. Everyday I check my gardens looking for new blooms and shoots and see what survived our snowy winter. It is exciting for me as I have been working on creating annual gardens.

Spend some time this week communing with Gaia. Do a meditation and connect with the earth, the trees, the wind, the birds, the animals, the rocks... a waterfall, a lake, a stream... anywhere and any time you can. Not only will it be extremely healing and rejuvenating, it will also be enlightening and empowering.

Happy Earth Day and may every day be Earth Day in your heart! 

xoxox Sharon

Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angels, Guides, and other Realms and Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, monthly articles her weekly radio program Angels, Guides, and other Realms and workshops, for more information check out her Home Page at http://www.playingwiththeuniverse.com/

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